This is a Windows app that provides users the ability to create a color-accurate pattern for creating Perler/Artkal bead artwork.
I've been creating and refining this program for my personal use since 2016. It originally started as a Processing ( "sketch", and when I ran into limitations in Processing, I ported it to pure Java.
This app can be used with any source image, which can be resized, color adjusted, dithered and sharpened. Then, it generates a pixel-by-pixel pattern which includes the full collection of Perler and Artkal bead colors. Various palettes can be selected, and individual colors can be excluded from the pattern (handy when you're out of a specific color.) Patterns can be exported as PNG, color PDF, or printable, multi-page black & white PDF for use under clear 29 x 29 Perler pegboards. You can also export a SCAD file, which is a 3D render for use with OpenSCAD, an open-source 3D drawing program.
Download Pixel Perfect
Installer (Windows 64-bit)
GitHub Project Page
(Source Code)
Below are some screenshots from the app, as well as some of the bead projects I've made with the help of the app: